Bayer All in One Weed/Crabgrass Bayer 32oz RTS
Kills listed lawn weeds PLUS Crabgrass without harming the lawn* Kills over 200 listed broadleaf weeds like Dandelion and Clover PLUS controls listed grassy weeds like Crabgrass Won’t harm lawns when applied as directed* Rainproof in 1 hour The fastest, easiest way to treat the entire lawn Simply hook to hose and spray 32 oz. Ready-To-Spray treats up to 5,000 sq. ft.
(Not for sale in NY or HI. In TX, cannot sell Concentrate formula in containers larger than 32 oz. (2,4-D restriction). *When used as directed. Not for use on St. Augustinegrass (including Floratam variety), Bahiagrass, Carpetgrass, Centipedegrass or Dichondra.)